21 research outputs found

    Connection Making: analogue-digital synapsis between fabrication hubs

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    The paper intends to apply the emerging theories on network science to the production chain of contemporary society, hyper-globalized and hyperconnected, to provide an alternative point of view aimed at the multilevel development of a given territory/context. The subject of discussion will be the Fab Labs, specifically those belonging to the Fab Charter, framing them not only as places of digital fabrication, experimentation and research, but, above all, as nodes of a network that in recent years has expanded to connect realities geographically very far from each other. With the analysis of case-studies we will investigate the dimension and importance of planning and designing these systemic processes to lead to the onset of an organizational culture oriented to \u2018sensemaking\u2019 and with the aim of optimizing collaborative processes of the Fab Lab network, demonstrating the social value of \u2018glocal\u2019 production

    Spazi Comuni. Scenari universitari per il ritorno alla a-normalitĂ 

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    L’idea di ricerca consiste nella mappatura e valutazione comparativa di ipotesi progettuali per il riavvio delle attività in ambito universitario, che prevedono la convivenza di esperienze in presenza e da remoto. Lo studio propone di esplorare le azioni quotidiane che caratterizzano gli spazi fisici universitari attraverso l’approccio user journey map al fine di progettare la comunicazione e la fruizione avvalendosi di aggiornate tecniche hcd e ux


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    IN THE INDUSTRIOUS 4.0 CITY In this topic i’m going to talk about three consequential relationship between the meanings of industrial city (the past, and for this like “sign of memory), industrious city (the present projected to the future) and digital city (a future target, tends towards best improvement margin), analized in its local and global dimension. In my speech i want to explain this argumentations, and their relative connections, based on following input concepts: situation of deindustrialization of countries, like Italy, with a great craft tradition, hypothesizing possible ways, practises and scenarios to resist to post-industrial shock. • The industrious city, through methodologies that drive us to a new vision of contemporary city and its production: the goal is reactivate the “make” cycle through skills of the people and abilitation of the places, so to become a industrious city from a industrial city. • The digital city, from smart city, that moves actively to improve life quality of build a sustainable, inclusive and intelligent territories by own nature of the digital: immaterial, social and free, that needs the creation of a process system to subsist

    3dAD - Tecnologia circolare

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    Questo progetto nasce con l'intento di superare esopperire alla carenza, alla fram­ mentazione e in alcuni casi alla mancanza assoluta, di risorse, sia di natura economi­ ca che di natura materiale, all'interno di un determinato ambiente, e nel caso spe­ cifico di quello universitario; in cui però sia le competenze trasversali, le cosiddette soft skil/s, che fanno sì che un gruppo di persone lavori in maniera armonica e col­ laborativa, sia le hard skil/s, quindi le competenze tecniche e le abilità specifiche, non mancano affatto e soprattutto sono in continuo aggiornamento data la natura formativa del contesto accademico. Questo scenario ha messo in evidenza la necessità di sviluppare nuove dina­ miche e allo stesso tempo ha rilevato l'importanza di ottimizzare e di rimodulare strategie in essere. 3dAD sarà un processo sistemico a microfiliera, produttiva e autopoietica, della plastica all'interno del Dipartimento Architettura e Design della Scuola Politecnica di Genova

    Spaces where concepts click. Designing Fab Labs for education

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    This article focuses on Fab Labs which are spaces equipped with advanced tools and technologies for digital fabrication, such as 3D printers, laser cutters, and computer-controlled machines

    A f FilaMenti

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    'A f FilaMenti" is an installation that wants to sensitize people to a responsible use and, above all, of the conscious and resilient custom of plastic coming from different contexts. lt wants to create suggestions and ideas far the creation of a self-built an d open source process far fablab but a/so far home use, and thanks to its "Bottom Up" nature, it constantly develops new improvements and customizations from different users


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    The continuous economic, political and social changes of the last decades have produced the spread of important and significant transformation processes also in the forms of production and consumption. This highlights the need to rethink innovative policies and new strategies with a view to the sustainable development of the territories

    CONNEXION MAKING. // Sinapsi urbane tra microattivit\ue0 sinergiche design-oriented.

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    The research work has the objective to lay the scientific foundations for the construction of a formal network, in the area of the historic center of Genoa, between various micro-activities (social, productive,economic and cultural) through design skills. The fragile contexts of the territory in question can be understood as an opportunity to produce collective socio-economic value, through systemic approaches of open innovation, combining direction innovation processes, guided by design tools, to the involvement of different actors and stakeholders. The aim is to understand, determine and manage the value of the social, economic and cultural outcomes generated by this initiative

    Sempre di Domenica

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    Descrizione di una strategia di rigenerazione attraverso il riuso temporaneo della Sopraelevata di Genova